Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Isotonic Machines Tricep Exercise

Siddhartha's smile


text, drama and directed by: Gary Brackett

The show "Siddhartha, The Smile of the River" is a loose reworking of Gary Brackett from " Siddhartha "Herman Hesse of (short novel published in 1922, has had, especially in the second half of the twentieth century, a huge spread between the young audience), from " Hanta Yo " A Saga of the American tribes Dakotah ( Sioux), 1979 by Ruth Beebe Hill ; from "Angel, look at the past," 1929 novel by Thomas Wolfe .

Script: no copyright, not protected: SIAE ENOUGH!


Pescara August 3 Time: 21.30
Park Road (Villa Sabucchi)

Montone Mosciano SA. (TE) on 4 August at: 23.00
festival of street theater and art
"Between the sun and the moon"

Vasto (CH) 6 August Time: 21.30
Square Diomede

Fossa (Aq) August 7 Time: 21.30
the Strawberry Theatre Via del Forno

Pescara, July 24, 2006

"Siddharta, the smile of the River": a new bridge is built

... ... ... and this time not to join two parts of a city, we are talking about the Living Theatre for the first time ever produce a work with young actors of our city, all this under the artistic direction of Judith Malina and directed by Gary Brackett.
The awareness that this project gives us, is that finally all the energy that is fermented in the underground for years, can turn into something living, tangible, visible flesh and blood ... (Antonin Artaud). The

Living Centre Europe appeals to the "Public", what he considers the soul and his alter ego as honest, that is compared with itself again through this new job.
"Siddhartha ..." is the result of a project of the Center Living Europe and its International Workshop for an alternative training Actor . The Living launches its message through young professional actors able to play the game at a time in which you might need for certainty and strong points.

... we're going to tell him what is happening and how horrible (Julian Beck)

"Siddharta, the smile of the river"

Siddhartha is a man in search of the meaning of life, which past experience in experience and does not consider any of them permanent, because what he seeks is the mysterious Everything that has a thousand similar faces and changing, like the reflections of the river of a thousand voices in his unceasing flow.

Siddhartha offers a classic but very current topic of discussion: the importance of "faith" in a life force, which is common to all genuine religious experience in a broad sense and the inability to take a point view of absolute and final, or rather take their point of view as absolute and their faith (religious but also moral, political, etc.) as the only truth above all others.

The world is still on its way to the use of violence and coercion, using the religious diversity as an instrument of division and opposition of the people.
It 'important to the theater to reflect on this aspect of our world?
It is important to awaken the conscience of the power to change that each individual possesses human revolution?

can do it if he can show the invisible energy that unites actor and spectator, if unable to create a meeting face to glimpse a new world view, on an emotional level before rational.

protagonist of the show is the chorus, which through action on stage, chanting, ritual expression, evokes the story of Siddhartha and his interior conflicts.

The images are scanned by the choral and musical interludes by the entry of the ferryman Vasudeva, who embodies the wisdom of the River.

"If the bombs can not teach, how can the theater do?
theater as an instrument for the sanctification of the world."
(Julian Beck)

Stage manager: Alessandra

Fabio Zavala, Beatriz Prior, Marilu Provisiero, Valentina Caiano, Anna Pierami, Emanuele Macciò, Massimo Montenero, Francesca Scaglione, Rocco Antico, Chiara Conti, Rossella Iorio, Laura Vennitti, Daniela Ialicicco, Veronica Pace, Valentina Capone, Emanuela Valiante, Natasha Macchniz, Lorenzo Sprecacenere

Credits: Dance Workshop

Pescara (Irene Placidi, Stefania De Laurentiis, Guy Silveri)
Virginia Giant, Rocco Antico, Assenzioperdue
Living Centre Europe