Friday, April 30, 2010

Pilot Salary In Canada


Kulturelle FÜNFKAMPF

22-25 September 2011 - Ostia (Rome)

Die Teilnahme ist interessierter (Minimum age 18) world is possible and not just limited to town residents or Italian nationals.
For organizational reasons the number of participants in the first execution of this second edition is limited to 30.
On request will also be sent information in the cultural PENTATHLON languages \u200b\u200baccepted.
The event will be held in public and the interested public and the media freely available.

Individual competition:

literature - oral presentation
written literature competition (in Italian, English, French, German or English)
painting and drawing
music (free choice of instruments)
singing (allowed in any language)

1. Written literature competition
on a provided by the organizer marked double sheet of the participants have to write hand-written and readable narrative. The theme will be announced by the jury at the time the competition begins.
The story must be at least 2 pages long and are delivered within 4 hours.
second Oral literature competition
Participants must be at the microphone a poem or that of another poet, or an excerpt from another literary work or recite aloud free. The jury is set to be the chosen literary form before the start of the competition in knowledge.
If the participant, the presentation will be accompanied by one of the organizers provided by musicians or music cassettes.
The duration of this presentation may not be less than 3 and not more than 4 minutes.
third Painting and Drawing (Venue: Centre of Ardea)
The participants themselves for necessary utensils (depending on the technology brush, charcoal, etc.) or for Behelfsmittel (Folding table no bigger than 50x70cm, easel, etc.) to make. In case of problems you can contact the organizers for help.
The technique can be freely chosen by the participant.
are available for this competition the participants 4 hours - from the time of marking the canvas by the organizers - are available.
4th Music
The participant must recite on its own musical instrument a piece of free choice. The organizer provides a keyboard (used as a piano) is available.
The music may not be shorter than 3 and not more than 4 minutes.
5th Sing
The participant may vary depending on choice or his own play the song by another composer present. Presented to modern songs, folk songs or poetry in any language, with or without musical accompaniment.
The participant may be accompanied by a musical instrument itself, or even use tape. The accompanying music can be heard but only softly. The organizer provides a well-equipped keyboard is available, for which the help of a musician for the first sample (max. 20 minutes) can be used.
The time for this musical performance may not be under 3 minutes and last no longer than 5 minutes.
for the written and oral competitions in addition to the jury, experts for the chosen language are present. For the above mentioned competitions, the languages \u200b\u200bare permitted: Italian, English, French, German, English.
For all competitions, an international participation is permitted. Minimum age: 18 years.
Bei den
ausgesetzten Prämien, die den Charakter Olympischer unterstreichen Spiele, handelt es sich um Medaillen


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