Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
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Ostia from 22 to October 23 , competitions, Sunday 24 October the awards ceremony at the Hall Riario Episcopio Augustine at Ostia Antica, by 19 hours. The ceremony will be filmed by TV OSTIA
Awards finalists Pentathlon:
II - 10 euro silver coin from the Vatican (numismatic value)
III - 5 euro silver coin from the Vatican (numismatic value)
II - 2 € Vatican coin (numismatic)
III - 1 euro Vatican (numismatic value)
All participants will receive a plaque of the Pentathlon of Culture, as well as the historic parchment "Pro Meritis"
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
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Cultural Association - The Chiarantana - Ardea proposes an annual event International entitled " Pentathlon culture" which consists of five races to be held from Wednesday to Friday, and final prize giving on Saturday night. Participation is open to all interested parties, both residents from other parts of Italy and the world, aged for 18 years and while competing on a minimum of three subjects , may have a favorite subject in the single premium where they can excel. For detailed rules see the post for inclusion in the list. The event will also be open to all interested public as well as the press.
- WRITING (languages: English, Italian, German, French and English)
- ACTING (languages: English, Italian, German, French and English)
- MUSIC (any category)
- singing expression (in any language) -
For races of writing and acting judges in the jury will be present for the nations and languages \u200b\u200bof the participants. All participants are welcome and present the competition will receive a certificate of recognition and artistic merits of "PENTATHLON CULTURE."
(creator of the event)
cell. 320.0223770
cell. 347 8192689 e-mail: chiarantana@fastwebnet.it
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
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Chiarantana Via Teverone 19-00040 Ardea (Rome-ITALY) Telephone and fax: 069101.4413 E-mail: chiarantana@fastwebnet.it
Customer Data:
Place Name and date of birth
domestic /
Telephone E-mail
For this edition, the inclusion of € 20.00 for the purpose of charity, will be in favor of the Missionary Sisters of St. Carlo Borromeo (SCALABRINIANS, Via Monte del Gallo 68, 00165 Rome) - by transfer to account: 12472007
BancoPosta IBAN: IT55 O076 0103 2000 0001 2472 007
Specific requirements:
Request transportation from the airport / train station (for both arrival and departure)
Request for accommodation: see below
For optimum economic and cultural tourist accommodation, the Department of Culture Pentathlon recommended for participants and for those who will seize this opportunity to come to Rome, at the time booking Country Club which offers available their stone bungalows with all modern comforts with affordable costs. A free shuttle service for guests on a daily link Ostia beach and facilities, underground station to Rome and Fiumicino airport.
INFO: www.countryclubcastelfusano.it
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Goodfellas Quotes Garlic
Dates: from Thursday 23 September to 25 September 2010, including the final prize-giving ceremony on the Saturday evening.
Participation is open to all who are interested, both resident and not, and also from abroad, for a minimum of 3 of the 5 specialities.
For the first year the acceptance of participants will be limited to a maximum of 30 (thirty) contestants, either of Italian or foreign nationality, and no younger than 18 (eighteen) years of age.
1. WRITING (in any of the above-mentioned languages)
2. RECITATION (in any of the above-mentioned languages)
4. MUSIC (any category)
5. SINGING (in any language)
The participant must write a free composition on a theme given by the jury at the moment of the competition, in his own legible writing, on a stamped sheet of paper of four sides which will be given to the participant. The composition shall not be less than two sides of the paper and must be handed in within the four hours.
Permitted techniques: tempera, water colour or drawing. The participants must bring to the locality of the competition the art materials of their choice and only one canvas, cardboard or board ready for use, measuring approx. 50 X 70cm, with eventual easel or other support. Organisation will provide material in case of need. Brushes, charcoal or other, according to their choice, and the eventual chosen colouring materials. The technique may be freely chosen by the participant. (the organization will provide supporting elements where necessary). Time available for the competition will be four hours, starting after the stamping of the canvases/boards etc.
The contestant shall, at the microphone, perform freely, reciting or reading his own or a well-known piece of poetry, or excerpt from drama or theatrical satire or other, after having previously communicated the choice of genre to the jury. The contestant may request a musical background accompaniment played by a supplied musician or a recording. The duration of the performance may not be less than three minutes or more than four.
The contestant must perform on any musical instrument he possesses (the organisers will supply an electronic keyboard for whosoever wishes to use one). The piece of music may be freely chosen and not less than three minutes duration or more than four.
The contestant may sing a piece of his own composition or by any other known author. The choice of style is free: opera, or popular music in any language, with or without accompanying instrument. The contestant may choose to be accompanied by an instrument or recording (CD or cassette). The volume of the music must absolutely be in the background. However the organization will supply a multiple keyboard, with the possibility of an accompanying musician and to rehearse for a time not exceeding 20 minutes. The duration of the exhibition may not be less than three minutes or more than five minutes.
The awarded written and art works will remain the property of, and will constitute the archive of the PENTATHLON.
For the writing and recitation competitions there will be judges from the participating nations and languages.
For the above mentioned competitions it will be possible to participate in the following languages: Italian, English, German, French and English. International participation is permitted in all the competitions (minimum age limit eighteen (18).
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Enrolment form to be forwarded to the organising committee:
Payment of 20 Euros to the "Casa Generalizia Congregazione Suore Missionarie di San Carlo Borromeo (Suore Missionarie Scalabriniane ) – BancoPosta IBAN IT55 O 076 0103 2000 00012472 007 - C/C postale 12472 007 , confirmed by FAX at no. (39)06 910 14413 or by e-mail: chiarantana@fastwebnet.it
DEADLINE: Saturday, 18 September 2010
Data of participant
Surname and name………………………………………………
Place and date of birth…………………………………………
Nationality / country of residence…………………………
Telephone /e-mail……………………………………………
*Accommodation request: specify number of persons………………………
* Request for transport from airport/station……………
Saturday, May 1, 2010
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1 ) Writing (in Italian, English, German, French and English)
2) Recitation (in all participating languages: Italian, English, German, French and English)
3) Painting or drawing without prior preparation
4) Music (all categories)
5) Expression songbird (singing, in all languages)
1. Writing
The participant must write handwritten and legible a composition on a subject elected by the jury at the time the competition. The same should be developed in two sheets (four pages) that will be delivered sealed to the participant.
This must be completed within four hours maximum set and can not be less than two pages.
2. Recitation
The contestant must show off the microphone playing or reading poetry or a known or a fragment of a drama or a comedy stage communicating with the jury before the genre chosen. The competitor may request a background musical accompaniment played by a teacher or from a taxation. The timing of this exhibit shall not be less 3 'or more than 4'.
3. improvised painting or drawing techniques
admitted: tempera, watercolor or drawing. Participants must use the artistic tools personally selected and a single canvas, distributed by the Organization and measuring approximately 50x70 cm in any tripod or other support. Brushes, carbon and other elements, such as colors and technique will be a free choice and responsibility of the participants (the organization must support elements if necessary). The competition will last four hours, begins at the time of sealing the canvas.
4. Music
Entrants must exhibit playing any musical instrument of their property.
The organization will provide an electric keyboard for those who want to use it.
The fragment will be of free choice and not be less than 3 'or more than 5'.
5. Canto (expression songbird)
The participant may freely sing a fragment of oneself or another well-known author.
The choice of genre is free, can be lyrical, modern or "vocalist", and in any language, with or without musical instrument own. The participant may take advantage of a person to accompany you to your instrument or use a musical base from da cd or tape. The accompanying volume should be only background. The organization put an electric keyboard layout with the possibility of a teacher and a previous prueva not to exceed 20 '. The display time shall not be less than 3 'or more than 5'.
All artwork and writing awards be part Pentathlon file, others will be returned.
For writing and recitation competitions, will be present in the jury judges participating countries and languages. It may participate in Italian, English, German, French and English.
For all competitions is scheduled international participation and the minimum age limit is 18 years.
Prizes will be medals and coins "Pentathlon of Culture