Cultural Association - The Chiarantana - Ardea proposes an annual event International entitled " Pentathlon culture" which consists of five races to be held from Wednesday to Friday, and final prize giving on Saturday night. Participation is open to all interested parties, both residents from other parts of Italy and the world, aged for 18 years and while competing on a minimum of three subjects , may have a favorite subject in the single premium where they can excel. For detailed rules see the post for inclusion in the list. The event will also be open to all interested public as well as the press.
- WRITING (languages: English, Italian, German, French and English)
- ACTING (languages: English, Italian, German, French and English)
- MUSIC (any category)
- singing expression (in any language) -
I - WRITING The participant must write legibly by hand with a piece of their free narrative, on a theme dictated by the jury at the time of the competition, written on a sheet of four pages that will be delivered to the participant stamped. The essay should be no less two-sided and delivered within four hours of time allowed.
II - ACTING The participant shall, at the microphone, perform freely, reciting or reading their own poetry or note or piece of drama or satire, theatrical or otherwise, to inform the jury chosen earlier in the genre. The candidate can avail of a background musical accompaniment performed by one of our teacher or conductor or registered base. The duration of the exhibition can not be less than three minutes and not more than four.
III - PAINTING OR GRAPHICS - subject to free choice - Media Include: tempera, watercolor or graphics. The place specified for this race, participants will receive a single canvas 50x70 cm, and should bring their choice of artistic tools (brushes, charcoal or other, and set their color) with any tripod or other support element. The technique will be a free choice of the participant. (The organization will provide elements of support where necessary). Time for the race four hours, starting after the stamping of the canvas.
IV - MUSIC Contestants will perform playing any musical instrument of his property (a multi-use piano keyboard will be available to the organization for those who want to use it). The music track will be played for free choice and no less than three minutes and not more than four.
V - The singing expression competitor can freely sing a song composed by himself or other known offender. The choice of this kind is free: lyrical, modern, or singer in any language, with or without its accompanying musical instrument. The contestant may use his own person to accompany him with his instrument or with background music (CD or Tape). The volume of the accompanying music must be of the background. The organization will still provide a multi-keyboard, with the possibility of a teacher and a former test (test allowed 20 minutes maximum). The time of the exhibition shall not be less than three minutes and not more than five minutes.
All works of art and writing AWARDED PENTATHLON will be the archive for future exposures, those not classified will be returned.
For races of writing and acting judges in the jury will be present for the nations and languages \u200b\u200bof the participants. All participants are welcome and present the competition will receive a certificate of recognition and artistic merits of "PENTATHLON CULTURE."
For races of writing and acting judges in the jury will be present for the nations and languages \u200b\u200bof the participants. All participants are welcome and present the competition will receive a certificate of recognition and artistic merits of "PENTATHLON CULTURE."
Organizing Committee: M °. George Marlin President of the Jury
(creator of the event)
cell. 320.0223770
tel / fax: 06.9631619 (creator of the event)
cell. 320.0223770
Administrative Secretariat: Association "The Chiarantana" Maria Chiara Bettinali Director of the Secretariat The Chairman Asst Chiarantana tel / fax 0691014413 Via Teverone 19, 00040 Ardea
cell. 347 8192689 e-mail:
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