Thursday, October 8, 2009

What Color Goes Well With Pewter


(AGI) - Rome, October 6 - Continues smoothly the transition to digital terrestrial regions of the transitions in their calendar for 2009. And 'in fact, ended September 22 last off the switch in Valle d'Aosta (about 120,000 inhabitants in 74 municipalities, with 484 plants converted to the new technology) and e' ongoing transition in the western Piedmont (province of Turin and Cuneo and surrounding areas).

In this area the entire transaction will close 'by Friday' 9. The reports the Ministry of Economic Development - Department of Communications headed by Deputy Paul Romans. The area in the Piedmont and the transition 'was divided into five technical areas, the latter of which concerns Turin and the plain of Turin, Cuneo and Cuneo plain. For the program transitions and 'provision for a period of 16 days to allow broadcasters to make the necessary technical assistance on all facilities, quickly reducing any inconvenience for the citizens. To date - the statement said the ministry - have been affected by the transition of approximately 1,000 plants at both national and local broadcasters, with the participation of 330 municipalities.

The regularity 'transition to digital "and' constantly checked by the mobile laboratories of the Ministry and for tomorrow and 'planned the transition at the same time the higher number of municipalities (499) and population (about 3 million inhabitants), with the shift to digital city ' of Turin and Cuneo. This area will take place 'the switchover of 349 plants of all local and national broadcasters operating in the western Piedmont. The call center of the ministry (800,022,000 toll from Monday 'to Saturday from 8.00 to 20.00) received in the days to switch off around 7,500 calls from citizens, in most cases concerning requests for information on coverage and signal support in the tuning of the decoders. The development of telephone calls "testifies to the absence of special problems posed by the transition to digital technology." The number and 'completely free and Tomorrow and Thursday' 8 will ensure 'the service from 8 am to 23, "to ensure the success of an unprecedented initiative in Italy for the number of people involved at the same time. "

The note recalls that during this period of transition" any reception problems are usually overcome through appropriate tuning operations of the decoder.
tuning will be able to 'be final only after the transition in the technical area of \u200b\u200binterest. "


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