Friday, October 30, 2009

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

What Are The Side Effects For Rephresh

Giuseppe Di Vincenzo - Music

How Long Can A Flood Get

George Mustang - Music

Friday, October 23, 2009

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Albert Canfora - Canto

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Alberto Mariani - Laila Scorcelletti

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

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Monday, October 19, 2009

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A Full HD TV for subscribers with 50 € in advance and installments starting from 6 € per month packages cheaper and the Digital Key, a tool to access all the free channels on TV platforms, including digital. See what's new

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Last Sky: the DTT USB stick

Milan - Someone is already talk of revolution. It 's the new challenge of Sky. In December, the pay-TV will launch the "Digital Key, a device which is connected to the decoder, will offer free access to all unencrypted digital terrestrial in the integrated electronic program guide (EPG) from Sky or Guide Electronic Program, a way to get to the screen the list of programs broadcast by the channels of the platform satellite. Moreover, the channels will go HD by 2010, 16 to 30. The new challenge

Sky responds well to strong competition from digital satellite platform and the renunciation by the Rai and promotes its October Revolution. In bidding wars, the counterattack of TV Murdoch also includes something new: the ability to subscribe to Sky Movies, Sports and Football without signing all five kinds of the World package.

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Sky Italy: 30 HD channels in 2010, Key Digital launches digital terrestrial

Sky Italy: 30 HD channels in 2010, launched the Digital Key

ROME (Dow Jones) - New high-definition channels, new price list for subscribers, the digital key to access to digital terrestrial. Sky Italy announced today a series of news' that are revolutionizing the world of digital television, giving a new strong acceleration to the spread of high definition in Italy.

Today, said in a statement, already '1 million Italian families see the 16 HD channels on Sky with the best of cinema, sport, entertainment, documentaries in the excellent quality' of HD at no additional cost compared to the package chosen . The pay-TV group News Corp plans to double the offer, bringing the number of HD channels to 30 by the end of 2010.
Sky also announces the arrival of a new tool that will simplify 'access to all unscrambled channels present on the major TV platforms with a single decoder and a single remote control. As of October 23, by offering "Sky Tv All Inclusive" and who is' already 'subscriber is anyone who intends to subscribe to Sky, you may' enter the world of high definition in a revolutionary manner. In fact, with only 50 € in advance, it 's possible to buy a Full HD TV after paying 36 monthly installments together with the signing of any combination of Sky packages.

also give the opportunity 'to more and more' subscribers to view movies and sports in HD, and now 'can access these packages at a price more' convenient. From today 'in fact possible to subscribe to Sky Movies, Sports and Football without signing all five kinds of the World package.

In December, Finally, to enable its subscribers to complete the transition to digital TV also provide access to free channels available on digital terrestrial television, Sky will launch 'the "Digital Key, a small pen with the function of USB digital TV tuner that is connected to Sky box My Sky HD or HD, will allow 'access to all the free channels available on digital terrestrial television in a remarkably easy and inexpensive. com / ren

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Against Sky pulls out the lethal weapon

Here, the response of the channel announced Raisat goodbye Sky and unaware of the contents 'premium' bouquet of generalist channels on satellite TV of Rupert Murdoch. The Christmas gift to five million subscribers will be the "digital key". And staple polemiche.Una the memory stick under the alberoUna small USB stick that is connected to the decoder or My Hd Hd give you access to all the free channels available on DTT. Not only that, the "digital key" integrate the TV Guide programming on Sky digital terrestrial channels allowing you to zap across the digital offering in light without changing the remote control. In short, a sort of 'decoder' single, with a flaw: Mediaset will not accept chip cards, or Dahlia ... The USB

costs more or less as a common zapper (thirty Euros) and will allow 'now a million Sky households (those who already have high definition, and by 2010 they will see as many as 30 channels) to watch everything really sending in the attic, for example, encryption of Formula One and the national football team.

The number of channels in High Definition (HD), meanwhile, continues to grow will be 30 by the end of 2010. The controversy is served "Congratulations to DG! The news that December will be able to receive digital terrestrial television with the Sky box - pulled the Adviser Rai Nino Rizzo Nervo - is the ultimate proof that the Rai, at a time of market crisis and consequent difficulties in its balance sheet, not renewing the contract for Raisat has thrown out the window about 60 million euro per year and determined the actual risks for business continuity of the subsidiary. The development of new subscriptions Sky areas already '' all digital 'and the estate of Rai plays the group had already demonstrated the invalidity of the simulations of market development which had served to define the appropriate and strategic break with Sky. No consolation to remember that myself along with other directors in board of directors had also publicly criticized strongly this business choice, as it was planned to open an investigation by AGCOM. But the real point today is another - claims Rizzo Nervo -. Now who will pay the damage? "

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Why Do Men Like To Touch Breasts

Hello girls! how are we going? I hope good! = P
is a little not update my blog ... sorry ...
You know yesterday I received a pleasant surprise ... a girl approached me in site Netlog wondering if I was the 'author of this blog and a My advice ... for me it's very beautiful, makes me realize that this blog has its value and maybe with time will become so much more! Who knows ...
However, as usual, I thank all my readers who support me and give me a small satisfaction ... THANKS enormeeeee everything for you! = P

Next Stop which I will have the Tregging :
is a new invention of some clever designer born from the idea to combine the aesthetic beauty of jeans with the comfort of a leggings (leggings ), watching them look like normal jeans pockets with zippers washing etc. ... But actually touching the fabric that is soft is that of a common leggings, so the result is a girls absolute comfort! Thus the leggings are no longer called legging but are called tregging .
I'll show you several models including a model which has the wonderful effect and is even slightly worn jeans torn! That is perfectly identical to a pair of jeans! The nice thing about
tregging : adhere perfectly to the body without giving any minimum hassle. = P

also forgot the tregging pants are also in more neutral shades to the more flamboyant!
Beautiful is the model then you'll see in pink of course talking about a tregging has pockets, loops, buttons and zippers.

is also very beautiful in the tregging imitation leather, surely you have noticed some girl's legs or on your own. = P

conclude by summarizing the concept tregging in "3" words ...
TREGGING = perfect imitation of a pair of jeans or pants with a comfort moooooolto more!

We expect the next update "I TREGGING " Hello girls ... a kiss! KISS!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

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February 15


May 20

Occ. Piemonte (TO and CN)

June 16


October 14



September 14 to 23

Val d'Aosta

September 24 to October 9

Piedmont occ. (TO and CN)

October 15 to 27


October 28 to November 11

Alto Adige

November 16 to 30


December 1 to 16


Source: DGTVi

September 15, 2008

Government with a decree signed by the Minister of Economic Development, Claudio Scajola, September 10 last year and presented by Secretary with responsibility for Communications, Paolo Romani, presented the timetable for the transition to digital terrestrial television in Italy. The decree provides for a gradual transition to digital broadcasting in various Italian regions divided into 16 areas in the second half of 2009 until the second half of 2012. Remain fixed for the second half of 2008 and first half of this year the steps already 'in the areas under the so-called all-digital, Sardinia and Valle D'Aosta. Gia 'in the second half of 2009 will be seen' digital terrestrial TV in Lazio, Campania, Trentino Alto Adige and Piemonte. Gradually plaice 'to digital in the other regions until the last two, Sicily and Calabria, where the transition will take place' to end of 2012. A program in the coming two years will involve more than 70% of the Italian population (about 14 will be the millions of concerned citizens in 2009 and 23 in 2010 for a total of about 35 million), bringing Italy one of the more advanced countries to the European goal of 2012.

section See download the Ministerial Decree, annexes (Annex 1-Table Areas, Attachment 2 - Schedule) and the Explanatory Note. NATIONAL CALENDAR


II sem

Area 16 Sardinia


I always

Area 2 Valle d'Aosta

II sem

Area 1 western Piedmont

Area 4 and Trentino Alto Adige (including the province of Belluno)

Area 12 Lazio

Area 13 Campania


I always

Area 3 Eastern Piedmont and Lombardy (including the province Piacenza)

II sem

Area 5 Emilia Romagna *

Area 6 Veneto * (including the provinces of Mantua and Pordenone)

Area 7 Friuli Venezia Giulia

Area 8 Liguria


I always

Area 10 * Marche

Area 11 Abruzzo and Molise * (including the province of Foggia )

Area 14 Basilicata, Puglia ( including the provinces of Cosenza and Crotone)


I always

Area 9 Tuscany and Umbria (including the provinces of La Spezia and Viterbo)

II sem

Area 15 Sicily and Calabria

* Switches off Areas 5 and 6 and those 10 and 11 are considered, respectively, forming part of a joint process.

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Digital terrestrial switch-off in total Lazio

On 16 November this year in the Lazio Region trips, as regards the digital terrestrial , the total switch off, which means that all national television networks will be seen only by those new generation of television sets or cases have a external decoder for digital TV viewing .

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Luge the switch off of terrestrial digital broadcasting in Campania

In the twelfth meeting of the "Aeranti coral on the transition to digital terrestrial, open work Advocate Marco Rossignoli, president of and Dr. Luigi Bardelli. After the final passage of the Valle D'Aosta, everything almost ready for Lazio (switch-off by November 30). slide instead the date for the region, originally scheduled for the end of December, but postponed for a few months . For each region as the Valle D'Aosta and Lazio, is expected to convene a technical plan for each station by the Ministry of Communications.
for Lazio is already on a schedule of 55 frequencies from channel 01 to channel 11 and VHF channel 21 to 68 on the UHF channel, already established the location of the channel 45 to the issuer "Vatican City". Channels 69, 70 and 71, but will not be used by DTT. You will then have 19 channels for Nationwide, more than 5 of the dividend, plus one to DVBH. So the RAI are entitled to 5 frequencies and there will be only 30 frequencies available to local broadcasters . Each issuer shall activate the system within six months from the date DGTV swith-off penalty of revocation of its license .
The Ministry will send to the issuer of the regions that have yet to make the swith-off, through a statement, a draft mastplan frequencies of the likely final DGTV . The next dates are set for Nov. 3 in Milan Forum Radio TV "and 1 December in Bologna" Aeranti coral radio and TV Ltd ". In the second part of yesterday, was presented ilo product "Wonder cube", speaker Dr. Alex Chasen, JVC responsible. Theme, the offer reserved for packets associated with coral Aeranti wonder cube bronze, silver and gold with subsidized rent formula.
Later demo package on offer with live demonstrations and commercial proposals. 16 hours, closing work.

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(AGI) - Rome, October 6 - Continues smoothly the transition to digital terrestrial regions of the transitions in their calendar for 2009. And 'in fact, ended September 22 last off the switch in Valle d'Aosta (about 120,000 inhabitants in 74 municipalities, with 484 plants converted to the new technology) and e' ongoing transition in the western Piedmont (province of Turin and Cuneo and surrounding areas).

In this area the entire transaction will close 'by Friday' 9. The reports the Ministry of Economic Development - Department of Communications headed by Deputy Paul Romans. The area in the Piedmont and the transition 'was divided into five technical areas, the latter of which concerns Turin and the plain of Turin, Cuneo and Cuneo plain. For the program transitions and 'provision for a period of 16 days to allow broadcasters to make the necessary technical assistance on all facilities, quickly reducing any inconvenience for the citizens. To date - the statement said the ministry - have been affected by the transition of approximately 1,000 plants at both national and local broadcasters, with the participation of 330 municipalities.

The regularity 'transition to digital "and' constantly checked by the mobile laboratories of the Ministry and for tomorrow and 'planned the transition at the same time the higher number of municipalities (499) and population (about 3 million inhabitants), with the shift to digital city ' of Turin and Cuneo. This area will take place 'the switchover of 349 plants of all local and national broadcasters operating in the western Piedmont. The call center of the ministry (800,022,000 toll from Monday 'to Saturday from 8.00 to 20.00) received in the days to switch off around 7,500 calls from citizens, in most cases concerning requests for information on coverage and signal support in the tuning of the decoders. The development of telephone calls "testifies to the absence of special problems posed by the transition to digital technology." The number and 'completely free and Tomorrow and Thursday' 8 will ensure 'the service from 8 am to 23, "to ensure the success of an unprecedented initiative in Italy for the number of people involved at the same time. "

The note recalls that during this period of transition" any reception problems are usually overcome through appropriate tuning operations of the decoder.
tuning will be able to 'be final only after the transition in the technical area of \u200b\u200binterest. "