Mysteries and Smaller Pieces

Living Center Europe presents
A theater workshop: Living Theatre
Mysteries and Smaller Pieces
directed by Judith Malina, Hanon Reznikov and Gary Brackett
From 18 to 23 July 2006

at: Center Ceschia - TARCENTO - (Udine )
Mysteries and Smaller Pieces (Mysteries and smaller pieces) exploded on the scene in 1964 in Paris clashing with the French public not yet ready to accept a show that broke the perception of how to define the "theater". Between anger and revolt, but also enthusiasm, one thing was clear: the theater could no longer remain in the tradition of its previous forms.
No plot, no characters and scenery, Mysteries mistook the division between life and art, theater and political theater of protest, even reinventing the interaction between stage and audience.
Based on 'improvisation on rituals, on political slogans ( Street Songs) and theories of Antonin Artaud , the actors themselves confronted with a world of war and death, with life itself and our concepts of theater.
Today, the theaters of New York, the social centers in Italy, from places as far away as Lebanon and Serbia to the whole of Europe Europe, Msyteries, which is part of the repertoire of Living, challenge, and new generations with the same questions already asked in the '60s, but turning this time to a world still far from such visions.
Judith Malina, founder along with Julian Beck of the Living Theatre, will lead this workshop on Msyteries which will stage the show again then proposed.
The workshop provides participants the opportunity to explore different means of expression developed by the Living Theatre: acting non-fictional, Meyerhold and Biomechanics, hatha yoga, the political theater of Brecht Piscator and and Artaud.
The workshop will take place in Center Ceschia - TARCENTO - (Udine)
Cost: € 150.00
Deadline: July 12 For registration and info on the accommodation called:
http: / / www.livingtheatre.org/ tel 349/801.4588 (Eleanor) 329/408.3096 (Victory) 347/617.7283 (Gary)
E-mail: garyliving@yahoo.com
http: / / www.livingtheatre.org/ tel 349/801.4588 (Eleanor) 329/408.3096 (Victory) 347/617.7283 (Gary)
E-mail: garyliving@yahoo.com
Siddhartha The Smile of the River
Text and directed by Gary Brackett
from 24 July to 3 August in Pescara
Text and directed by Gary Brackett
from 24 July to 3 August in Pescara

If the bombs can not teach, how can it theater?
Julian Beck
It seems that this is the question of our day. Even today we live in a world full of violence, oppression and suffering.
theater as an instrument for the sanctification of the world.
So enters the character of Siddhartha Herman Hesse , dissatisfaction with oneself, the ideas of his time, the long journey leads him to discover himself and his place in the world. This is also a major theme of the book Hanta Yo, the saga of the Sioux tribe of Ruth Beebe Hill. This work has much in common with the Oriental philosophy, magic and mystery of the force of nature, the mystical journey in themselves, and still finding a balance between the restless voices and the voices of another self. So in the book American Thomas Wolfe, Angelo, look at the past, is narrated, in a version very poetic and lyrical, the life of a young artist and writer, who is confronted with the contradictions of human sadness and joy , love and tragedy of separation, the individual and society, artistic vision and daily life.
theater as an instrument for the sanctification of the world.
So enters the character of Siddhartha Herman Hesse , dissatisfaction with oneself, the ideas of his time, the long journey leads him to discover himself and his place in the world. This is also a major theme of the book Hanta Yo, the saga of the Sioux tribe of Ruth Beebe Hill. This work has much in common with the Oriental philosophy, magic and mystery of the force of nature, the mystical journey in themselves, and still finding a balance between the restless voices and the voices of another self. So in the book American Thomas Wolfe, Angelo, look at the past, is narrated, in a version very poetic and lyrical, the life of a young artist and writer, who is confronted with the contradictions of human sadness and joy , love and tragedy of separation, the individual and society, artistic vision and daily life.

There are other sources of this script, psychologist William James and his important book, The Varieties of Religious Experience , the sacred book of Indian culture, Bhagavad Gita , Gilbran and others.
In the laboratory, participants explore the different techniques used in creating the show.
The laboratory includes the use of different media developed by the contemporary theater: Living Theatre, acting non-fictional, collective creation, training ritual expressionism Artaud, biomechanics of Mejer'hold, epic theater / political Piscator and Brecht, meditation , hatha yoga, body expression choir.
Cost 135 euro
Iscrizione chiama Valentina: 347 008 2304
Gary 347/617.7283
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