The Living Theatre - Judith Malina two forces still restless. Yet all too often the word is used anachronistic about the Living Theatre. Why? Seeking an explanation is necessary to speak of contemporary culture to understand this cynicism towards a group that has challenged every aspect of theater. The utopian ideals of the Living, against the war, the end of borders, the end of death due to famine, anarchy and pacifism, are, as Malina his eightieth birthday, persistent and uncompromising. Perhaps the reason it is so easy to label as anachronistic that, like the eternal rebel Antigone, challenge and compare the issues of today, the very fact that the world today seems absolutely out of the realization of these ideals. Arts Culture and now seem to reflect only their post-modernism, their art for art , their banality, their pessimism and their escape from a political and social commitment.
For his persistent radical spirit, for his poetry, for his theater and his exemplary life dedicated to art and politics, Judith Malina Palmyra receive the Peace Prize. On July 18 Fernanda Pivano , a great friend and translator of the Living Beat poets, will present the award to Judith. Judith Malina was asked to capture some of its in the words of poets Quarry in Carrara, Carrara always, to attend a meeting on the Beat Generation: The Sound .
Judith and the Living Theatre, though overwhelmed by the fame, the continuing attention of the press or criticism, are always available and accessible to all those who want to share this vision. In order to want to continue to spread and share the work of the Living Theatre, Judith will be on tour with her husband Hanon Reznikov in July and August, presenting three different places in their show Love and Politics. Will also take part in Refugees -ti with Annet Henneman and his Theater Hidden and finally present a workshop whose theme will be a classic of the Living 1964: Mysteries and Smaller Pieces . Even Gary Brackett of Living will present his show Siddhartha's smile River proposing a new staging of the laboratory that will result in Pescara, July 24.

be remembered, finally, that the Living Theatre will be confronted once again with New York City by opening the new Living Theatre Lower East Side in in Manhattan. Malina's dream is to create a space that would act as centrifugal forces for a new movement of 'art, activism and politics. To inaugurate it (the opening is scheduled for November 2006) will be a new production of the famous show abuse in the prisons of the Marines, The Brig
or Family anachronistic?
July 12 Ex-mental Paolo Pini, Milan
__ ____
July 17 The Scream
(Judith Malina was asked to capture some of his words in the Quarry poets)
tel. 335 6823579

Nanda Pivano: Quarry poets
Presentazione del
Palmiria Peace Prize
Nanda Pivano and Judith Malina compare peace signs. Milano, June 12, 2006

July 18 Islands of Palmyra (Portovenere) Presentation
Love and Politics
DATE: July 26
July 28 Bassano del Grappa (Vicenza)
August 4 Montone Mosciano s. Angel in the province of Teramo, Abruzzo
Lorenzo Iannucci, E-mail eidosarte@libero.it Tel 349-3183430
Mysteries and Smaller Pieces
July 18 to 23 Tarcento (Udine)
Entertainment July 23

July 24 to August 3 Pescara
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